Let's Chat!

You Have the Ability Too!

author enneagram enneasummer podcast Jun 07, 2021

I'll be the first person to tell you the following: I'm nothing special.

I don't think I'm smarter, grittier, faster, wiser, cuter, or _________ (fill in the blank) than anyone else.

But—I'm really good at HABITS.

I make habits of actions that are valuable long term. So, yes, even things I don't want to do.

  • I get out of bed when I don't want to.
  • I plan runs I don't want to take.
  • I show up to work on days when I don't feel like it.
  • I chose to be consistent in my parenting, even when the pushback is hard.
  • I talk to God and read my Bible even when I'm not feeling warm fuzzies.

Why? Because HABITS keep me anchored, even in heartbreaking seasons. I might cry (and sometimes complain) my way through them, but they provide long-term health for my spirit, mind, and body.

And guess what? There's no difference between you and me.

You have the ability to build life-giving habits too.

My question is whether you'll choose to start a habit today.

If you are looking for more habit inspiration, listen to this week's EnneaSummer episode #199 with Jen Pollock Michel, Scripture as a Habit. She has fantastic insight about being an Enneagram Type One that you must hear! Plus, she shares about motherhood and the transforming work of getting in the Word of God.

This is my invitation to you: join me in doing the things you don't want to do in order to become the person you desire and stand in your God-given purpose. Are you ready?

P.S. Some of my best habits, or rhythms, were taught or modeled to me by mentors and coaches. If you want some help to determine the best way to build a life-giving rhythm, that is one of the main features of my Wholehearted Rhythms Coaching. I'd love to chat more!