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Enneagram and Goal Setting

enneagram mom motherhood podcast Jan 04, 2021

Here are 9 Goal-Setting Keys to get you one step closer to the Wholehearted Year you desire.

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If you like to hang around here for Enneagram insight- you might be able to match up these keys with personality Types. Also, I’ve put the Keys outside of traditional Enneagram order- just keep you on your toes and find out which one is most important for you to hear this year. 

1.Your unique rhythm might be more challenging or different than any one else's, but it doesn't make it wrong or less important.

What do you give your time to in 2020 that didn't feel true to you?

What creative expression would you like to do more of in 2021?

2.Take time to reflect and research for your year ahead, but write out your plan and invite a friend to hold yourself accountable to your dreams.

What plans worked well for you in 2020? What plans didn't? What do you want to accomplish in 2021?

3.Ensure that God's voice is the loudest and give yourself the space to dream YOUR dreams for the next year. Give the inner-committee the boot.

What voices were too overwhelming in 2020 that you need to mute in 2021?

Which mentors do you want to engage with in 2021?

4.You have MANY dreams- that's what is so great about being you! But, not all of them are the right ones to carry into the next year.

What obstacles and challenges did you have to overcome last year? Pause and celebrate what you learned.

What do you need to double-down and focus on in 2021?

5.You take on a lot of responsibilities and challenges- which ones were worth the effort? Make sure you focus on giving your energy to fight the right battles for you.

What spiritual freedom did you see in your life or others in 2020?

What and who needs your time and energy in 2021?

6.Did you stay behind-the-scenes because you were afraid of being uncomfortable? Say "no '' to hiding in the year ahead.

What was worth saying "yes" to in 2020?

What does stepping out of your comfort zone look like in 2021?

7.Quiet the inner- critic with the Word of God. Your new habit doesn't have to be perfect and it's not going to be the same every single day.

What imperfections from 2020 are preventing you from dreaming for 2021?

What imperfection can you let go of as you begin 2021?

8.Give yourself permission to figure out what rhythm works best for you. Say "no" to the shoulds.

What obligations from 2020 are limiting you from dreaming for 2021?

What obligations can you let go of as you begin 2021?

9. Are you comfortable with your pace of life? Make room to pause and rest from the hustle of achievement in the next year.

What did you spend time on in 2020 that you want to do less of in 2021?

What will your soul-care routine look like in 2021?

Which one of these key insights resonates with you most? Will you take a minute and give some thought to the better questions to ask yourself in the this year ahead?