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{Enneagram for Moms #1} You ARE the Mom Your Kids Need

enneagram faith motherhood podcast Feb 01, 2021

Are you a mom? 

Do you struggle with frustration, anxiety, and self-doubt?

Is your day-to-day mundane sometimes overwhelming? 

You are not alone!

I believe the #1 way to Love Your mothering style and have confidence that you are the mom for the job is to be proactive in your spiritual growth 

The other night as my son and I took our pup on a walk to do her business, I had an epiphany about how the Enneagram helps us with our spiritual growth.

It was much darker than usual for our afternoon walk and after the pup did her business, we could not see where the pile of poop was so we could clean it up! Finally, I pulled out my phone and used the flashlight feature to guide us to the pile. Sure enough, the beam from the light aided our search and it didn't take us long to find what we needed and be responsible dog owners.

You see, the Enneagram puts you on the spiritual growth fast track by shining a light on the stuff we’d rather ignore, so we can be AWARE and then get help to clean up the poop!

Now, I hope the Lord will please forgive me if equating spiritual health to dog poop is offensive, but I think it’s a down to earth way to illustrate how the Enneagram can empower you to be the Mom Your Kids need, believe that you are the mom for the job and love being a mom. 

So, you might be asking how exactly does Enneagram do this? 

The three ways the Enneagram helps you your spiritual growth is: 

  • It provides you insight- I don’t know about you, but sometimes I need someone else to help me articulate my needs, wants and desires. The Enneagram can do exactly that. 
  • And just like the flashlight I used to find the dog poop pile- the Enneagram Highlights warning signs - so you don’t step in it and can self correct- getting help to clean up the poop piles in your life.     
  • Plus the Enneagram empowers you to celebrate - While the Enneagram reminds you of your stuff that you need to take care of clean up= it can also help us celebrate your strengths, not only in yourself but the people around you.

In this first of my new podcast series (#186) I’ll dive into the three ways the Enneagram provides spiritual growth. 

And, why the Enneagram can be dangerous. 

As much as I desire you to discover your main Enneagram Type, I want you to realize that finding your number is just the very beginning, not the final destination. 

So, as your faith-based Enneagram coach, I want you to ask yourself, what is currently the most challenging aspect of your motherhood?

Not just the sleepless nights, the limited alone time and lack of showers- but what is the biggest emotional frustration?

I'm here to help you identify and overcome the emotional struggles of motherhood so you can go from surviving to thriving. I hope you'll join me!

Remember, YOU ARE THE MOM your kids need!