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Are You Burned Out From Religion?

author book christianity faith motherhood podcast May 24, 2021

In a sea of man-made religions, ideologies, and cults, what’s the difference between the Christian faith and theirs?


It’s knowing Jesus Christ and being fully known by Him. You don’t have to earn, strive, or perform rituals to gain acceptance. All you have to do is believe.

Believe that God’s Son, Jesus, descended to earth to live, die, and rise again so we could have a relationship, and be fully known by our Heavenly Father.

It’s so simple, yet we complicate and muddle things that we end up feeling far from God.

Mo Isom (episode #198) found herself wrestling with Scriptures, fighting discouragement, and disqualification, which led her to feel far from the God she loved and longed to serve. But in her deepest valley, she encountered God’s great design of intimacy like she had never had before, transforming her spiritual and physical life.

It was those closest to her, a community willing to hold her accountable, which didn’t shy from blunt questions and spoke hard truths that led her back into the arms of love.

Accountability asks questions, reminds us of our values, calls us up, cheers on our dreams, and challenges and confronts us when needed. Accountability keeps us on track or guides us towards mid-course adjustments. Accountability brings perspective.

It's also kind of awkward because accountability can be a great leveler. It doesn't mind how big or known or popular a leader we are – because accountability speaks truth to power. And when accountability asks us questions, it doesn't do vague, it likes specific answers.

Mo’s book and our conversation are a great leveler and challenge to go after true intimacy with God. And, in case phrases like “intimacy with God” feel slightly nebulous, we unpack it all in this week’s new Simply Wholehearted Podcast episode.

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