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When You’ve Got Nothing Left to Give

author enneagram motherhood podcast May 03, 2021
Mom Affirmations

With Mother’s Day around the corner, you might be dreaming of breakfast in bed, an empty kitchen sink neatly folded laundry, or maybe a quiet house all to yourself. However, you would prefer your best day to play out, if you are a mom of kids of any age you are due for a little R&R and TLC. But, if your mom-life is anything like mine, Mothers Day is often a far cry from what you need.

In fact, on Mother’s Day, just after my second daughter was born, I was home in bed sick tending to two sick babies, my husband went to church without me, and anything special planned for that day was canceled. It was awful and I was seriously reconsidering this mom gig.

I’m grateful to say I’ve had a few delightful Mother’s Days since then, but mostly it’s been due to healthier expectations and soul care rhythms. I’ve learned to not put all my hopes on one “ideal” day, but rather learn to practice soul-care on a daily basis so I have more to give and am a little less needy.

If you’ve been around here for a hot minute, you know sharing ideas about tending to your soul. Especially to the mama who feels like they have nothing to give, so I recorded a three-part podcast series with friend and mentor, Tina Webb and we kicked off our series with a conversation focused on the value of tending to your soul as a mom.

The secret to motherhood is realizing the value you have to the Lord. Receive God's kindness, patience, and graciousness so you can extend it to your kids.

So, here are a few messages to encourage you when you feel as though you have nothing left to give. Take what you need and pass it on...

  • There is always enough in Christ for me. I have all I need to do what I need to do today. 
  • I have people who love and support me wholeheartedly because I am me, not because of what I can do for them.
  • Whatever happened yesterday will not hold me back from the goodness God has for me today.
  • My God-given talents are unique because they are mine alone.
  • The Lord has made me strong and capable of making tough decisions today, and I will survive it.
  • I can finish the thing I've been avoiding and it will no longer have a hold on me or stress me out.
  • With God’s help, I can show up to my day today with peace in my heart and steadiness in my feet.
  • The life I have lived so far has been an adventure, a gift, a lesson, and I will add another page to that book today.
  • Yesterday and all the days before aren't keeping a score of my wins and losses. Today is a new day, a blank slate, and a fresh start.
  • The seeds I've planted are there, being watered, slowly cracking open, even if I don't see big plants sprouting from the ground yet. Spring is coming.
  • I acknowledge my fear in the unknowns I am facing, but I will not let the fear in one hand snatch the joy out of the other.

Don’t ever, ever give up. God sees the future and He is not done with you. You are loved, seen, and valued in this space. 

Take a listen to my conversation about tending to your soul with Tina Webb.