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{Enneagram for Moms #2} I’m Not the Kind of Mom I Thought I Would Be

enneagram faith motherhood podcast Feb 08, 2021

Okay, rewind the clock with me. The time before you were a mom. 

Did you ever say...

“I would never…”

“I can’t believe…”

“How could she!”

But after your first kid you found yourself saying,

“No one told me…”

“They don’t do what I say.”

“I’m not the kind of mom I thought I would be.” 

Before the baby arrived I bet you pinned the perfect nursery set-up on your Pinterest board, you may have even written out your ideal birth plan. 

Did you also  else envision the dreamy snuggles in the new Ikea rocking chair? 

But then your budget ran out. 

Your birth didn't go how you wanted.

The baby wouldn’t sleep like the book said.

And there are all those people up in your business telling you what to do and what not to do. 

Yet, when your child laughs for the first time, being a mom is the best thing ever.. Then your baby responds with a smile and sleeps through the night. They become the best eater on the block and your friends call you the potty-training guru. 


Up and down. Ebb and flow. 

Then comes the toddler stage. Or the elementary years, then the tween years. And those teenage years. Ouch. 

But, You learn to adapt and it works for a time. Until it doesn’t. 

You lash out irrationally. 

You are overcome by fear. 

You hide and medicate your embarrassment. 

You lose track of our real purpose and act as if this whole mom thing depends on you.

But, today I have some really great news.

That ideal vision of motherhood you once had? Well, it  is not the whole picture.

God needs it all.

All your fears, failings, and brokenness.

Because, if messiness is not on the radar, then faith doesn’t have to be either.

Will you trust in your human ability, resources, & capacity?

Or place radical trust in the Capable God?

This week on the podcast I'm going to continue the conversation we started last week and I’m going to shine a light on the ideal self.

In episode #187 I am going to just scratch the surface, but I believe the content today is going to provide the empathy you’ve been craving and the practical help to flourish in motherhood.

First we are going to talk about the core issue behind your limiting beliefs. then I share the top nine lies moms believe, and I’ll give you the next step you can take today to renew your thoughts.

Listen to the full episode on your favorite listening app or here on the website.