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10 Things I Am Learning (and re-learning) this Summer

podcast Aug 07, 2023
Listen To: 10 Things I Am Learning (and re-learning) this Summer

Show Notes:

The reason why I am sharing this episode with you or bringing some of my thoughts and reflections to you is that ultimately when something ends, a new beginning emerges, and over the years, I have matured to give a little time to reflection. At least, I am making effort to do that more at the end of each season, asking myself what is working, what is not working, and why.

What do I let go of and what do I fight for? As I've done a little extra praying and wondering about this podcast, yes, the overall vision for the podcast, it came to my mind that I was to share some of what the Lord has been showing me this summer. I imagine I'm being compelled to share, maybe just to help normalize some of what you're facing, because I do love any episodes or conversations that I'm able to hear someone say something that, I have experienced too, and I go, "Yes! Me too!"

And honestly, some of what I'm gonna share with you today is just simplistic. It's ultimately, hopefully short it, but maybe a little bit of funny and some serious, heartfelt moments thrown in, in my reflection with you. So as I reflect in front of you, I would love to invite you to reflect on your life over these last several summer months.

[5:07] Amy shares a few things she's learned that fall into the Mom Category.

#1: I love having fun with my kids. 

It's really made me sad and I wish I could tell my younger mom self that the stage of lugging all the things to the pool and dealing with the kids' tantrums and meltdowns and feeling so tired after an afternoon in the sun, well, that it was truly gonna be fleeting.

#2: I have rediscovered or relearned that having good fiction in the summer is a must.

I need that rhythm to escape and enjoy so that way I can just embrace a little bit slower fun frivolity during the summertime so I can feel it in my spirit, my mind, and body.

[7:53] Amy shares what she's learned in the Small Business & Faith Category.

#3: I've learned that juggling motherhood and working from home is challenging no matter the age of your kids.

I used to think that when my kids were younger, that when they got older it would be easier and straightforward to divide my time. There is a struggle to be present. And while I don't have a formula for that, I've talked a lot about it over the years and it's like that paddleboard, it's never perfectly balanced. I've just learned to try to go with the flow a little bit better and enjoy the sweet time of having them at home with me.

#4: When God is your CEO, it all blends together. You can make plans and diligently follow through with those plans, but God still has his way.

In short, one of my plans this year was the annual summit, which you have come to love and look forward to and has even been on my calendar since last year, but it's not gonna happen. At least not as I planned.

#5: Being a business owner is TOUGH.

And because it's so challenging, you need to have an emotional support team. I don't care who you are or what you do, you need to get some folks that can be brutally honest and meet with them frequently and who are willing to pray for you. And empathize about the struggle of being a business owner.

#6: I love working with my coaches in the collective and in the 2023 Mentorship Group.

I knew I loved coaching coaches because honestly, I love the multi-passionate and different scenarios, business strategies, faith, motherhood, and all of that coming together.

#7: When the heat gets turned up in climate, it also happens spiritually.

The question I have asked myself and asked some others that I'm coaching is that summer is a chance to really live what we believe. Do I really believe that God is the CEO, that he can take my loaves and fishes, the little that I can give during the summer, and will he expand His work?

 #8: Sometimes clarity happens in real time in front of others. Therefore, stay humble. 

It's okay that you don't know everything or that you're learning something for the first time. Be honest with those following or watching. Apologize when necessary.

#9: An intentional pause for some things is a must, especially during the summer months.

I am learning slowly or relearning that I have to look at the summer months and consider what I need to pause or what I can take a break from. So summer can be all that it needs to be for my soul.

#10: New levels, new devils.

If we're truly living unto wholeheartedness, loving the Lord our God with all of our heart, mind, and strength, and loving others as ourselves . . . we're gonna constantly become more aware of our sins and our shortcomings and our inability to do life in our own strength.

[18:21] 2 Corinthians 4:7-10 "We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves. We are oppressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair. We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed. Through suffering. Our bodies continue to share in the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be seen in our bodies."

Well friend, I hope that by following the Lord's leading and sharing some of what I've been learning or relearning, prompts you to reflect on what the Lord is showing you as you in this season and begin a new one. I am so grateful for you and this opportunity to spend a little extra time with you today, and I look forward to all that is ahead for the both of us.

The best is yet to come,

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